He is SO excited that it is Fall, he will tell strangers in the store lol. He gets excited over getting to crunch leaves beneath his feet as we walk up the sidewalk. He loves the clouds and the chance that it might rain. He loves it so much that he has been waiting for Fall since about mid July - begging to wear his sweatshirts and longsleeve shirts when it was still 100 degrees outside (and inside!) 

Today it was perfect- grey clouds and lots of wind! So much wind in fact that it came through and blew his new playhouse (one of the fabric ones) right up off the patio, over the roof and down three levels to the street below in front of the house! He started crying thinking the wind took it away but was all better when a few minutes later I returned to the house with it in hand! (its now staying IN the house because I dont need the wind trying to steal it anymore!) And later in the day- you would have thought he won the lottery because for a few very brief moments- it sprinkled. Sprinkled as in it barely hit the ground. But it was enough to send him running for the umbrella and rain boots!
I believe if he were only allowed to talk about 3 things for the rest of his life- his topics of choice would be - disneyland, toy story, and Fall
I love seeing the joy he gets out of the little things in life- especially when its something that I also love!