Kevin and I stole a mid-week date night on Tuesday and we enjoyed every minute of it. Picked hi up from work, drove north a bit to a brewery where the local mountain bike association was previewing a new movie on the lawn. Had a super yummy dinner with some of the hardest beer you will ever taste (Stone anniversary 13 I think is what it was) and got to spend a great amount of time alone! Thursday the kids and I joined some friends on their field trip to a local dairy farm that had a pumpkin patch- Myles got to see his first real cowboy- that was his highlight- not the baby calf or goats - but the REAL cowboy lol. Oh and got some things for myself done this week- bought myself some new clothes and finally got a haircut- yay me!!!!

But the best part of the week has been the kids- yes Molly has been a bit whiny/ clingy (try weening a 2yo from nursing w/out her being fussy about it) and the kids and I are all getting sick- again.....but still, the kids have been fun to play with and watch play together. And Myles, oh man, Myles has been coming up with some things that just makes you stop and laugh! A few nights he has tried his best to find reasons to stay up later- one night- he had a headache in his chin hehe - another night- he wrote me a 'note' on his magna doodle that said "kids stay up all night- no bed", he even had the circles with writing in them that were suppose to be those cross out/ banned signs and one was to say - No bed and the other No sleeping LOL oh my..that kid!
And Molly- in all her head-strong stubbornness is still just one of the cutest kids you will ever see - quick to say thank you or sorry or come running with hugs and kisses - and her ability to learn new things never stops- every day its something new- and its just so awesome to watch!

So here is hoping that the coming week goes a bit slower and lingers awhile. I have no idea whats planned yet but I am sure there will be a trip to the park or zoo or museum in there somewhere, probably some shopping, definitely some cleaning and organizing, Lots of playing with the kids, and most likely- less time on the computer ;)
Hope you all have a great week- oh, and I still need to organize the living room- so thats the room still on the list!

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