Most people would probably be surprised to know that most nights- I lay in bed dreaming of organizing my house. Sad? Maybe. But its true. I would give anything to be organized. To look around you would think I have either given up or just dont care - but neither is true. I clean daily - always the kitchen before I eat anything for breakfast and laundry is always going, but it just never adds up to a fully clean house. Some days its so bad- I could have a third child and not know it because it could be lost somewhere in the chaos lol.

But I have a little secret - I have a small spot in my house that is almost always clean and organized and that on some days when I just need a break- I will go sit. No, its not the bathroom! Its my kids closet! Really, its my one area that within less then an hour- can be completely cleaned and beautiful- and its here where I like to sit (and sometimes hide) and just look at all the wonderful colors, patterns, textures and shapes that make up my kids clothing! And why not? I spend more then I should on them, they have more then they need, but their clothing is part of my daily therapy, my place to clear my head, to organize my thoughts, to plan for whats next.

So now what I long for, all I worship and adore (hehe) is to have the rest of my house be this peaceful. I want to stop being woken in the mornings by Kevin because he is looking for something. I want my kids to play with the toys they have because they can find all the pieces. I want more peace and time spent with my family. So it is my goal to conqure one room in the house per week. Totally rid each room, closet and drawer of junk and useless stuff, organize what we need to keep and get everything totally clean. Oh, and I want to slightly decorate as I go!!!!

I figure if I have you all watching me- I will be more likely to make it thru- so here is the plan- at the start of the week- I will post pictures of the room I will be working on in its current 'bomb exploded save yourself' state - feel free to make recommendations based on what you see or just check back later in the week for updated pictures- but if you dont see an update- bug me, push me, make me finish it - cause we all know- Im kinda the type of person that gets started and then flakes or decides I dont really have the time
This week- we tackle the ......................................................... living room! Bye bye little couch - hello floor pillows and less mess!
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